SERVICE: Trace Rot/Damage Repair
SERVICE: Trace Rot/Damage Repair
Did you leave your clock capacitor on the motherboard too long before removing it and the acid leaked onto you board? Has it corroded your traces and now you cant use your power or eject button?
Maybe you were installing a mod chip and pulled the D0 trace up off the board? Maybe a different trace?
Trace damage and Trace rot will prevent the board from working correctly but there is a solution. Traces can be repaired. I use high def scans of these motherboards to track down where traces begin and end and can make repairs to the board as long as the damage isn't too extreme.
Please message me for a service consultation and I can get those traces fixed for you.
This service is charged per trace. If I patch one trace it gets billed for qty 1. If I patch 4 traces at gets billed at qty 4. If the patch doesn't fix the problem(s) then you don't pay for the service however you are still responsible for your shipping charges both to my shop and back to you if you want the failed parts returned back to youl. If the repair fails then the problem is more than just the broken trace and we can dig deeper into the issues, if you wish to do so, by tracking down traces to the chips they go to and replacing some of them. Further troubleshooting and chip swaps will incur other charges and at some point it becomes a better value to just replace the board but if it can be solved easily its worth fixing the board. I have a large junkyard of boards to grab parts off of.
This can be a simple patch or the charges can be more fluid as the job happens and will be well communicated to keep you in the loop on the progress.